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8 Products

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  1. Corporate Governance - Practice and Issues (2nd Ed) Digital

    Please note that the digital copy can only be read on Academy Library, SAL’s proprietary eBook reader. It is not available in any other format (e.g. PDF). For more information, please visit our FAQ page.

    The second edition of Corporate Governance – Practice and Issues is a book on corporate governance written in a practical manner and intended to provide guidance to directors, executives, managers, company secretaries, professional advisers, including lawyers and auditors. It draws on the three decades of experience of the author in the field of corporate governance, stressing the single most important element of integrity, the courage to act on that integrity and basically to do the right thing in the right way at all times. This edition updates the law over the last ten years, and discusses the evolution in corporate governance and whether there has been an improvement.


    Taking an out-of-the-box approach, the book (a) looks at the history and evolution of corporate governance over the last three decades; (b) discusses environmental social governance; (c) studies the division of power in the company, looking specifically at whether it is the shareholders, the management or the Board, whether as a whole or through individual directors, who wield power; (d) discusses the traditional concerns about director roles, duties, responsibilities and ensuing liabilities, and the importance of transparency achieved through disclosure and more; (e) reviews the board committees, the need for them, the roles they play and their effectiveness; (f) studies key issues relating to remuneration, the entitlement issues, and how it is to be set; (g) reviews internal control and risk management issues and how these should be handled; and more.


    Also included are practical discussion points, and a dedicated chapter focusing on nominee directors and the issues that plague them. Another unique aspect of the book is a chapter dealing with governance concerns of the boards or councils of statutory bodies, which are typically regulated by Acts of Parliament.


    The recurrent theme in the book is that corporate governance is not just about structures and processes, but about having the right people do the right thing through the right means all of the time; that is, the structures and processes may be the building blocks of corporate governance, but it is the collection of individuals who provide the foundation.


    Year of Publication: 2023

    Page Extent: 780 pages 


    Member’s Price: $90.00 (before GST)

    Non-member price: $135.00 (before GST)

    Associate Student Price: $72.00 (before GST)


    Corporate Governance - Practice and Issues (2nd Ed) Digital
    Member's Price: SGD 98.10
    Usual Price: SGD 147.15
  2. Legal Innovation Workshop (Mar 2025)

    Date & Time: 4-5 March 2025 (4 March: 9.00am - 5.30pm)
                                                           (5 March: 9.00am - 5.30pm)
    Venue: SAL, Stamford 1 & 2, The Adelphi #08-08, 1 Coleman Street (S179803) 


    This 2-day legal innovation course is designed to:

    • Provide an analytical excursion of the state of legal innovation in Singapore and the region as well as best practices in legal innovation.
    • Explore legal innovation methodology, including legal design thinking, legal process re-engineering, legal digital transformation, and legal generative artificial intelligence (Legal GenAI)
    • Share case studies of law firms and legal departments in Singapore and other jurisdictions that have adopted innovation practices to solve efficiency problems, client experience, as well as using technology
    • Explore the state of legal technology (Legal Tech), uncovering the capabilities and limitations of the underlying technologies as well as showcasing examples in legal workflows
    • Ensure an interactive experience for the young lawyers where participants will also learn to apply the principles in creating process maps to visualise legal workflows and understand how Legal Tech and Legal GenAI could be applied in practice
    • Understand the professional and ethical considerations in legal practice in the context of legal innovation, Legal Tech, and Legal GenAI

    Early Bird rates for sign-ups by 14 February 2025:

    Prices before GST

    Early bird rate
    (until 14 Feb 2025)

    Usual rate
    (15 Feb 2025 onwards)

    Member & Non-member




    SkillsFuture Credit (for self-funded individuals only)

    All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can utilise their SkillsFuture Credit from the government to cover a wide range of approved skills-related courses. You can explore available courses on the MySkillsFuture website.  Please click here and complete the form if you are interested in using SkillsFuture Credit.


    SkillsFuture Funding (for self/company funded)

    As an Approved Training Organisation (ATO), this training programme is subsidised by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).  Course Fee Funding and Training Allowance / Absentee Payroll  are available to self /company funded individuals. Please click here and complete the form if you are interested in using SkillsFuture Funding or using both SkilsFuture Funding and SkillsFuture Credit. 


    Save even more with Early Bird rates AND SkillsFuture (SSG) Funding. See the 'Fees and Subsidies' table below for pricing details.

    Legal Innovation Workshop (Mar 2025)
    CS CPD
  3. The Collaborative Contracting Report Card: The Singapore, UK and Hong Kong Experience

    Date & Time: 25 March 2025 (25 March: 3.30pm - 4.45pm)
    Venue: SAL, Stamford 1 & 2, The Adelphi #08-08, 1 Coleman Street (S179803) 


    The push for collaborative contracting in the construction industry represents a significant shift from traditionally adversarial and fragmented relationships to a better integrated and co-operative approach. It was in response to the need for a better alignment of interests and avoidance of disputes, as project participants work towards common project goals.


    While the evolution of the industry towards one of collaboration is progressively taking root in Singapore, the mindset, behavioural and cultural shift towards a collaborative approach in the UK had an earlier start through revisions of the New Engineering Contract (NEC) and the introduction of the Integrated Project Delivery method. In Hong Kong, relational contracting, as it is better known, has been a common feature in public works in the past decade.


    Referencing case studies, the distinguished panel, comprising of legal and project specialists, will take an honest look at how collaborative contracting has performed in delivering what it promises – quality projects that are completed on time and within budget - and how the industry can meaningfully adopt these practices that would result in delivering successful construction projects.

    The Collaborative Contracting Report Card: The Singapore, UK and Hong Kong Experience
    Member's Price: SGD 76.30
    Usual Price: SGD 98.10
    CS CPD
  4. Singapore’s Contribution to the Development of Minority Shareholder Law

    Date & Time: Monday, 7 April 2025, 4.00pm - 5.30pm
    Venue: Allen & Gledhill Auditorium, One Marina Boulevard, Level 30, Singapore 018989


    This seminar will explore the contribution which judgments of Singapore courts have made to the development of the law, both in Singapore and in the common law world, in three key areas of minority shareholder rights law: minority oppression, derivative claims and the reflective loss principle. It will consider how recent Singapore judgments, including in the Thio Syn Pyn v Thio Syn Kym and Kiri Industries Ltd v Senda International Capital Ltd litigation, have pushed forward the law on minority oppression, in particular concerning the basis on which minority shareholdings should be valued when a buy-out order is made. It will consider the impact of the Petroships Investment Pty Ltd v Wealthplus Pte Ltd [2016] 2 SLR 1022 on the question whether derivative claims should not be available where the company is in liquidation, and will assess the impact of the judgments of the Singapore Court of Appeal in Townsing v Jenton Overseas Investment [2007] 2 SLR(R) 597 and Miao Weiguo v Tendcare Medical Group Holdings [2022] 1 SLR 884 on the development of the reflective loss principle. It will also suggest how Singapore courts can provide a distinctive contribution in the future, especially where English and Hong Kong case law have developed in different ways.


    Bulk Discount: 3 or more participants at $50.00 (before GST) each. 

    For bulk registrations, please email [email protected] 


    *To access the member price, please sign in with your SAL membership account.

    Singapore’s Contribution to the Development of Minority Shareholder Law
    Member's Price: SGD 76.30
    Usual Price: SGD 98.10
    CS CPD
  5. [Bundle] Corporate Governance - Practice and Issues (2nd Ed) (Print + Digital)

    Please note that the digital copy can only be read on Academy Library, SAL’s proprietary eBook reader. It is not available in any other format (e.g. PDF). For more information, please visit our FAQ page.

    The second edition of Corporate Governance – Practice and Issues is a book on corporate governance written in a practical manner and intended to provide guidance to directors, executives, managers, company secretaries, professional advisers, including lawyers and auditors. It draws on the three decades of experience of the author in the field of corporate governance, stressing the single most important element of integrity, the courage to act on that integrity and basically to do the right thing in the right way at all times. This edition updates the law over the last ten years, and discusses the evolution in corporate governance and whether there has been an improvement.


    To download a sample of the book, click here.


    Year of Publication: 2023

    Page Extent: 780 pages 


    Member’s Price: $117.00 (before GST)

    Non-member price: $93.60 (before GST)

    Associate Student Price: $175.50 (before GST)



    [Bundle] Corporate Governance - Practice and Issues (2nd Ed) (Print + Digital) Member's Price: SGD 127.53
    Usual Price: SGD 191.30