Data Protection in the Practical Context – Strategies and Techniques provides a detailed study of the law, practice and policy of personal data protection law in Singapore. As the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) that was adopted in April 2016 included provisions implementing a formidable extended jurisdictional reach, this book also provides practical coverage of the GDPR and gives clarity to the key provisions. Including an extensive exposition on Big Data and the Internet of Things and their inter-relationship with cybersecurity, this book is an essential tool for anyone who has to deal with personal data protection matters, ranging from the practitioner, to the in-house counsel and all businesses.
Author: Hannah YeeFen LimYear of Publication: 2017
Page Extent: 400 pages
Member's Price: $60.00 (before GST)
Associate Student's Price: $48.00 (before GST)
Non-Member's Price: $90.00 (before GST)Data Protection in the Practical Context - Strategies and TechniquesMember's Price: SGD 65.40Usual Price: SGD 98.10CS -
Authors: Mr Tan Boon Gin
Year of Publication: 2021
Page Extent: 188 pages
Member's Price: $60.00 (before GST)
Associate Student's Price: $48.00 (before GST)
Non-Member's Price: $90.00 (before GST)The Law on Corruption in Singapore: Cases and Materials (2nd Edition)Member's Price: SGD 65.40Usual Price: SGD 98.10CS -
Authored and edited by a team of prosecutors under the guidance of the former Chief Prosecutor of the Criminal Justice Division (who is now the Deputy Chief District Judge of the Subordinate Courts), this book attempts to provide an insight into the raison d’être of each of the provisions in the Criminal Procedure Code 2010. It also discusses some of the jurisprudence surrounding predecessors of the provisions (where applicable) and how they might serve to form the contours of some of the provisions of the new Code. This book serves as a useful guide to all who are involved in the administration of criminal justice in Singapore, as well as academics and students of criminal law.
Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): Jennifer Marie (editor-in-chief) and Mohamed Faizal Mohamed Abdul Kadir (general editor)Year of Publication: 2012
Page Extent: 936 pages
Member's Price: $90.00 (before GST)
Associate Student's Price: $72.00 (before GST)
Non-Member's Price: $135.00 (before GST)
The Criminal Procedure Code of Singapore – Annotations and CommentaryMember's Price: SGD 98.10Usual Price: SGD 147.15CS -
In this book, the authors propose a set of improved and modernised provisions expressing the general principles of criminal responsibility. This set of principles will comprise a “General Part” which, it is proposed, will form part of Singapore’s Penal Code. The key objective of devising and enacting the General Part is to significantly revitalise the Penal Code and restore many of its original technical attributes. Each chapter of this book comprises: (a) a carefully considered and drafted provision on a general principle of criminal responsibility; (b) a summary of the existing law in Singapore pertaining to that principle; (c) a selection of recent formulations of that principle from other jurisdictions to benchmark Singapore’s law (both current and proposed) with international best practices; and (d) a comparison of these formulations with the provision proposed in this book for inclusion as a General Part in Singapore’s Penal Code.
Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): Chan Wing Cheong, Stanley Yeo and Michael HorYear of Publication: 2013
Page Extent: 408 pages
Member's Price: $80.00 (before GST)
Associate Student's Price: $64.00 (before GST)
Non-Member's Price: $120.00 (before GST)Criminal Law for the 21st Century - A Model Code for SingaporeMember's Price: SGD 87.20Usual Price: SGD 130.80CS -
The Architecture of Deals offers a novel set of tools – a framework of private orderings – to help transactional lawyers accelerate the development of key skills, such as:
- problem-solving techniques in complex transactional environments
- commercial acumen and strategic-thinking skills
- deal design structures and strategies
- problem-solving mindset and approach to legal and commercial problems
Author: Duc V TrangYear of Publication: 2019
Page Extent: 456 pages
Member's Price: $60.00 (before GST)
Associate Student's Price:$48.00 (before GST)
Non-Member's Price: $90.00 (before GST)Architecture of Deals: Strategies for Transactional LawyeringMember's Price: SGD 65.40Usual Price: SGD 98.10CS -
A series of important amendments to the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct) Rules 2015 (“PCR”) has been introduced since the first edition of the book was published in 2016. These important developments in the rules of ethics in Singapore are captured in this second edition.
Year of Publication: 2022
Page Extent: 840 pages
Legal Profession (Professional Conduct) Rules 2015 2nd EditionMember's Price: SGD 98.10Usual Price: SGD 147.15CS