2022 34 SAL Journal March Issue
Usual Price:
SGD 32.70
Usual Price:
SGD 32.70
CPD Points : N/A
1. Leading the Way for the Recognition and Enforcement of International Mediated Settlement Agreements: The Singapore Convention on Mediation Act 2020 -- Nadja Alexander & Shouyu Chong
2. Disclosure in Criminal Proceedings: Developments and Issues Ahead - Chen Siyuan
3. The Expert and the Hearsay Rule: Recent Developments and Proposals for Updating the Evidence Act - Jeffrey Pinsler SC
4. Non-Deterministic Artificial Intelligence Systems and the Future of the Law on Unilateral Mistakes in Singapore - Jonathan Tan Ming En
5. A Tale of Two Capacities – Assessing the Mental Capacity Act’s Relevance in Proving Testamentary Capacity in Singapore - Tan Kah Wai
6. A Trap for the Unwary: Enforcing Writs of Seizure and Sale Against Joint Tenancies - Tang Hang Wu
7. Rightism, Reasonableness and Review: Section 377A of the Penal Code and the Question of Equality – Article One - Thio Li-ann
Comments and Case Notes:
1. The Quintet of Cases on Breaches of Fiduciary Duties, Causation and Abuse of Process – Clarifications from the Court of Appeal in Beyonics Asia Pacific Ltd v Goh Chan Peng [2021] SGCA(I) 2
Ben Chester Cheong & Muhammad Bin K M A Jahabar
2. Witness-Gating in International Commercial Arbitration – Can I Get a Witness?: CBS v CBP [2021] 1 SLR 935
Alan J S De Rochefort- Reynolds
Book Reviews
1. Lady Hale, Spider Woman: A Life (Bodley Heads, 2021)
The Honourable Justice Choo Han TecK
- 24.00
- 15.00
- 1.50
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