Asian Journal on Mediation 2011
Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): Associate Professor Joel Lee and Professor Lawrence Boo (general editors)
CPD Points : N/A
Articles by
1. Nora Abdul Hak & Umar A Oseni
2. Joel Lee & Sugene Gan
3. Joyce Low
4. Montri Sillapamahabundit
Themed Section by
1. Fiona Hollier
2. Lo Man Chiu
3. Shanti Abraham Mathew
4. Joel Lee
1. Syariah Court-Annexed Mediation in Malaysia – Some Problems and Prospects
2. Value Creation in Mediation
3. Promoting Ethical Practice in the Mediation Community
4. Victim-Offender Mediation – A Place in the Criminal Justice System
Themed Section - Country Updates
1. Australia: Australian Legislation Encourages Pre-filing “Genuine Steps”
2. Hong Kong: Hong Kong’s Practice Direction 31
3. Malaysia: Practice Direction No 5 of 2010 – The Malaysian Practice Direction on Mediation: A Commentary
4. Singapore: Court-based Initiatives for Mediation in Singapore
- Asian Journal on Mediation
- MICA (P) 041/05/2011
- Books
- Free
- 25.00
- 16.00
- 1.00
- 1.20
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