“Can a 12-year-old be charged in court?” Learn about the youth justice system in Singapore and how it seeks to address troubled youths.


“Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief” – Nicholas Sparks  


The behaviour of youths is heavily influenced by various factors in their immediate environment. These factors may include but are not limited to friends, school, parents, and guardians. Each plays a crucial role in providing emotional support, which is essential for the growth and development of youths. Through interactions with these factors, the actions, values and morals of the youths are shaped over time.  

Regrettably, unforeseen circumstances may deprive youths of such important emotional support, placing them at a higher risk of acting out and committing offences. This raises an important question: What happens if a youth commits an offence?   

Youth Justice in Singapore – Rehabilitation, Reintegration, Restoration intends to answer this question. 

Authored by the accomplished Lim Hui Min, a former District Judge, now Director of the Legal Aid Bureau, Ministry of Law,; with content supplemented by various legal academics, researchers, and officers of the Ministry of Social and Family Development, this book explores how the relevant laws and programmes work together to help rehabilitate troubled youths, reintegrate them into their family and community, and restore them to the path of fulfilling their potential. 

Following the publication of the first edition in 2014, this second edition incorporates the significant developments and research on youth justice. It stands out as one of the very few publications that provide a comprehensive and updated discussion of the youth justice system in Singapore.  

Here are four reasons why this is an invaluable resource and a must-read for individuals interested in the field of youth justice. 


1. Fascinating case studies

Inspired by real life events, Youth Justice in Singapore – Rehabilitation, Reintegration, Restoration recounts the experiences of youths who have gone through the youth justice system, offering insights into their mindset before, during and after the process. One compelling case study follows Zac (pseudonym), a youth offender, whose actions began with truancy and eventually, escalated to theft and drug use.  

Through the stories of the youth offenders, you will gain a greater understanding of how the youth justice system promotes positive change and how offenders feel during the process. The book expertly immerses you in their shoes, outlining their milestones and highlighting the complex emotional conflicts they face during this tumultuous stage of their lives. 


2. A comprehensive multi-disciplinary publication

The book gives a comprehensive overview of the youth justice space. The insights and knowledge provided by the different stakeholders working with youth offenders will provide you with a deeper understanding of the synergy across disciplines and how they collectively contribute to achieving the mission of the youth justice system.  


3. Navigate the Youth Court system efficiently

The chapters of the book explore the various courts that deal with youth offenders, as well as the Youth Court’s sentencing philosophy and framework. You will be equipped with updated research, case studies, commentaries, and substantive insights, which will greatly aid you in navigating through the Youth Court system.  


4. Valuable resource for members within the Youth Justice space

The book explores various topics of the youth justice framework, from the roles of social workers, probation officers and institutional staff to legal developments such as amendments to the Children and Young Persons Act 2019. Additionally, the book contains up-to-date statistics on youth offenders, measured through various indicators such as the number of probation orders made and the number of youth offenders admitted into the Singapore Boy’s Home and Singapore Girl’s Home, among others.  

Therefore, the book is an invaluable resource for, lawyers, researchers, social workers, law students and individuals who are simply interested in knowing more about the youth justice system. 


Youth Justice in Singapore – Rehabilitation, Reintegration, Restoration aims to educate the masses on a topic that is rarely discussed. Given the scarcity of publications relating to the Youth Justice space, this up to date and comprehensive book serves as the go-to resource in the field of Youth Justice. It will serve as an indispensable guide for individuals interested in understanding Singapore’s Youth Justice system.  


Youth Justice in Singapore – Rehabilitation, Reintegration, Restoration is now available on LawNet Store. Get yours today!