From Foundation to Legacy: The Second Charter of Justice

The book brings the reader on a journey from the conception of the Second Charter to the birth of its ultimate offspring - the Application of English Law Act. It discusses the significance of the Second Charter over the years and why it now deserves its place high on the honour roll of Singapore's legal developments.

Author: Andrew Phang Boon Leong

CPD Points : N/A



Second Charter


Profile of Author:


Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong received his LL.B. from the University of Singapore in 1982, and both his LL.M. and S.J.D. from Harvard University in 1984 and 1988, respectively.  In 1990, he was admitted as an advocate and solicitor in Singapore.
He taught at the National University of Singapore's Law Faculty from 1982 to 2000 and was appointed Professor of Law in 1999.  In 2000, he was appointed Professor of Law of the Singapore Management University (SMU).  He was made the Chair of the Department of Law at the SMU's Business School the following year.  His extensive publications include the local edition of Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract.  He was appointed Senior Counsel in 2004.  He was appointed Judicial Commissioner on 3 January 2005, appointed Judge on 8 December 2005 and appointed Judge of Appeal on 28 February 2006.




Part I    : Its Significance
Part II   : Its Birth
Part III  : Its Intermediate Offspring
Part IV  : Its Final Offspring
Part V   : Its Lasting Legacy
Part VI  : Conclusion
Part VII : Two Codas
  • From Foundation to Legacy: The Second Charter of Justice
  • 981-05-7194-1
  • Books
  • Free
  • 24.00
  • 15.00
  • 1.00
  • 1.50
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