Letters of the Law: An Anthology

Assembled across several years, Letters of the Law: An Anthology is a collection of letters written by each author to their younger selves—from those at the top of the legal chain to students just starting out. Tender and at times unrelenting, each letter foregrounds delicate anxieties and fears together with hopes and aspirations, and bridges the gap between each author’s present and future—surfacing a curiously inevitable sense of encouragement and reassurance when read and re-read.

This book is meant for those who feel like they’re running on empty, those who just need a respite mid-race, and those of every shade in between. The stories within these pages are not a solution, but a first step in exploring the vulnerability of someone else and, hopefully, discovering your own.

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Letters of the Law: An Anthology promises to be a source of comfort and reassurance in the most vulnerable of times—whether you’re in school, amidst friends and family, or alone in your room with only a night light for company.

Please contact academypublishing@sal.org.sg for further enquires on this book.

  • Letters of the Law: An Anthology
  • Books
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