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51 Products

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  1. Information and Communication Technology Law in Singapore (Print + Digital)

    Information and Communications Technology Law in Singapore is the first and only textbook to bring together a variety of topics on the law regulating the use of infocomm technology (“ICT”). The authors provide a comprehensive account of local jurisprudence in relation to the subject and also delve into a comparative study of the laws in other jurisdictions in areas where domestic law is still in its infancy. This work will provide the reader with a deep understanding of the domestic and global trends in the development of online regulations, the domain name regime, e-commerce and computer crime laws as well as laws concerning data protection and privacy interests.

    Authors: Warren B Chik and Saw Cheng Lim

    Year of Publication: 2020

    Page Extent: 552 pages 

    Member's Price: $117.00 (before GST)
    Associate Student's Price: 
    $93.60 (before GST)
    Non-Member's Price: 
    $175.50 (before GST)

  2. Fact-Finding and Reality : A Judicial Decision-Making Primer

    In collaboration with the Singapore Judicial College and Academy Publishing, this is the first bench series in Singapore featuring the philosophy which drives the pedagogy of the Singapore Judicial College – first, to have judges teaching judges; and second, delivering judicial education that is relevant in the judicial context.


    Fact-Finding and Reality may well be the very first attempt to examine important aspects of judicial decision-making, reasoning and fact-finding from the lens of a serving Singapore judge. The discussion links to how judges evaluate evidence and assess the credibility of witnesses, distilling and synthesising established theories from a corpus of literature on the subject and contextualising them using Singapore cases. An invaluable bench guide, this monograph is a must-read for all judges in Singapore, especially those newly appointed to the bench.


    Year of Publication: 2022

    Page Extent: 114 pages 



  3. Singapore Syariah Appeals Reports (2011–2015) Vol. 6

    The Syariah Court of Singapore hears and determines disputes on Muslim marriages, divorces, the ancillary matters thereto and betrothal as prescribed by the Administration of Muslim Law Act. Cases at first instance are heard by the Syariah Court. Appeals from decisions of the Syariah Court are heard by the Appeal Board. Each appeal is heard by a separately-constituted Appeal Board. Published by the Syariah Court, the Singapore Syariah Appeals Reports (SSAR) is the official report series of grounds of decisions delivered by the Appeal Board. Where the decision is delivered in Malay, the original Malay version of the Appeal Board decision is reported together with its English translation. Each report carries a catchword summary of the case highlighting the main issues decided; commentaries and updates in the form of “Notes” appear at the end of the report, where appropriate. Citations of Quranic verses referred to in a decision are listed in the case report. Volume 6 features the significant cases decided by the Appeal Board between 2011 and 2015. Where no grounds of decision were issued by the Appeal Board, the decision of the Syariah Court would be reported first, followed by the Order of the Appeal Board.