Relational Leadership Programme

This event will be postponed until further notice.


The Relational Leadership Programme enables learners to

  1. Understand personal leadership-style and how it impacts the team
  2. Identify factors that build trust in the workplace
  3. Improve organisational communication through use of solutions-focused questions
  4. Influence decision-making by facilitating workplace conversations to reach agreement


SkillsFuture Funding (for self/ company-funded)

This programme is jointly organised with ROHEI whom is also the organisation which administers Skillsfuture Singapore funding for this event. Course Fee Funding and Training Allowance / Absentee Payroll are available to self /company funded individuals.


To register, please complete this online form:


Price: $885.00 (before GST)

CPD Points : 14.5


Past Event


Category of Individuals

Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents

Employer-sponsored and self-sponsored Singapore Citizens aged 40 years old and above

SME-sponsored local employees (i.e. Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents)

Funding Source

SkillsFuture Funding (Baseline)

SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy

SkillsFuture Enhanced Training Support for SMEs

Course Fee




SkillsFuture Funding




SQI Profile




Total Nett Fee




GST (9% x $885)




Total Fee Payable to SAL





Day 1


9:00am - 10:00

Welcome and Introduction

  • Welcome into the programme
  • Introduction of team/facilitators

Session 1

10:15am - 12:00nn

Build It Up

Through a hands-on team challenge where they are asked to build a structure as a team, participants will have an opportunity to sense-make together and to understand how each team role contributes to the whole and achieve common goals.

In the process, they will be invited to reflect on assumptions, interpersonal dynamics and silos that may be present in the team.

  Session 2
1:00pm - 3:00pm

Recognising Realities

Through a series of interactive activities and discussions on practical workplace scenarios, learners will gain a deeper appreciation of the diverse perspectives and realities that multiple stakeholders may hold.

At the same time, these activities will also allow them to experience the impact of recognising realities, which ultimately highlights the value of understanding stakeholder needs with greater empathy and clarity.


Session 3

3:30pm - 6:30pm


In this session, participants look at the value of employing the 8 Real8Ability Factors to be more relatable to build trust and effective relationships with others.

  • The eight (8) Real8Ability Factors
  • The impact of one’s own leadership style to team dynamics
  • The use of a communication framework to connect and communicate with the team

The session will also include a profiling tool (SQI Real8ability profile) that provides learners with their style. This will be completed by the participants prior to the workshop.



Day 2

Session 4

9:00am - 11:30am

Psychological Safety

Through an interactive game, participants experience how words and behaviours impact team dynamics. In the process, there will be facilitated discussions on the importance of Psychological Safety in the workplace and how we can adopt practices to build a culture that is psychologically safe to be creative, constantly learning while being committed to excellence at the same time.


Session 5

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Communicate & Connect

In this session, learners will be presented some workplace scenarios to capture their instinctive questions and thoughts. This process brings them to an understanding of their current mental frame and to be introduced to the concept that the kinds of questions they ask determine how quickly he/she and his/her team can move towards solutioning at the workplace.

At the end of the session, learners are invited to think around practical questions that they can ask themselves and their team to bring about the desired mindset shift to achieve organisational goals.


Session 6

3:30pm - 6:30pm

Skills Practice

Learners grasp the principles behind each factor through a contextualised work-scenario role play.



For enquiries related to this event, please email

SILE Accredited CPD Activity
Number of Public CPD points: 14.5 (7 Public CPD Points for day 1, 7.5 Public CPD Points for day 2)
Practice Area: Professional Skills
Training Level: General


SILE Attendance Policy
Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, participants are reminded to sign in on arrival and sign out at the conclusion of each day of the event in the manner required by the organiser. Participants must not be absent from each day of the event for more than 15 minutes. Participants who attend Day 1 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 7 Public CPD Points. Participants who attend Day 2 and comply strictly with the Attendance Policy on that day may obtain 7.5 Public CPD Points. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy on any particular day of the event will not be able to obtain CPD Points for that day. Please refer to for more information.

L I F T E D by SAL


Chiang Wen Wei 


Accreditations & Qualifications

  • Specialist Adult Educator (Facilitation), Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore (2017)  
  • Certified Life Skills Coach and Executive and Personal Coach
  • Certified in a range of psychometric tools to support learning and development


  • Leadership Development


Wen-Wei has been a coach, trainer, keynote speaker and consultant since 1997.

Training and coaching for global consulting organisations such as Korn Ferry, Wen-Wei’s past and present clients include CEOs and COOs from the top 200 largest companies in the world, regional teams, senior to middle management and executives from SME’s to MNCs in diverse industries in both private and public sector.


His clients include SingTel, StarHub, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), AIA, Deutsche Post DHL, Amphenol-FCI, Exploit Technologies (A*Star), the Public Utilities Board (PUB), Mitsui, Linxens, Lenzing, Ingredion, Prudential, UOB, AXA, Singapore Management University (SMU), Civil Service College.


Wen-Wei manages and develops ROHEI’s team of coaches, supporting the design and delivery of senior leadership training programmes.


Wen-Wei has coached in areas such as relational leadership, leadership agility, business growth, building a highperformance team, executive presence, values clarification, transition and succession planning.


In his previous position as head of engineering for an American Semiconductor company, he oversaw the design and manufacture of customized parts to house and test clients’ devices, including the implementation of test parameters according to clients’ specifications. He was responsible for sales and customer service for their testing services, managing regional accounts and delivering technical training both inhouse and to clients.


Wen-Wei was formerly Adjunct Faculty with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS, Singapore Management University and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.


He volunteers with a government-supported organisation that helps women rescued from human trafficking situations and is also a member of MENSA.

Abigail Shantini K.


Accreditations & Qualifications

  • Advanced Certificate in Learning & Performance (ACLP, 2022), Institute of Adult Learning, Singapore


  • Leadership Development
  • Change Management


Abigail’s clear and concise training approach, coupled with her ability to connect and recognise individual/unique learning needs have earned her much praise from her learners who came into the training sessions fearful of the IT challenges. Their fears soon turned into confidence that set them off on a good trajectory in picking up necessary IT skills for their work in the digital era.


Abigail has been specialising in the Skills Future Digital Workplace (SFDW) Educators Program since joining Rohei in 2020. In addition to equipping participants in the SFDW Program with the pertinent digital skill sets required, she also helps to develop the curriculum. Her intimate involvement in the entire process of the Program at Rohei renders her highly effective in her delivery of the training sessions. Besides the SFDW Program, Abigail also trains participants in the UOB Better U Program that aims to encourage a growth mindset, develop complex problem solving skills, and equip learners with skills in the fields of digital innovation, human-centred design and data.

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