SAL Journal 2008 Special Issue (Insolvency Law)
Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): Gerard McCormack (guest editor)
CPD Points : N/A
Journal Special Issue
We are pleased to bring to you the SAL Journal’s special issue on insolvency law. This issue features articles on:
(a) the recent PRC Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and the issues which have developed since its enactment;
(b) insolvent banks and the financial safety sector net, with particular attention to the Northern Rock crisis in the UK;
(c) the current state of play under English choice of law rules in insolvency transaction avoidance;
(d) the duty to maintain equality in collective creditor actions;
(e) corporate rescue law in Singapore and the appropriateness of Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code as a model;
(f) the process of transition in personal insolvency law in English law and the lessons which may be drawn by other jurisdictions from this pattern of evolution;
(g) how the remedy of discharge by certificate of the Official Assignee was conceived, drafted and successfully implemented in Singapore;
(h) the status of an insolvent company’s encumbered assets under the laws governing property and insolvency;
(i) the key features of the debt repayment scheme and other related debt rehabilitation models in various jurisdictions that help wage-earner debtors with relatively small debts to avoid bankruptcy; and
(j) the duties of good faith and care owed by a mortgagee and a receiver to the mortgagor and suggestions where Singapore should depart from English law.
- SAL Journal 2008
- ISSN: 0218-2009
- Journals
- Free
- 24.00
- 15.00
- 2.00
- 1.00
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