OUT-OF-PRINT: SAL Journal 2014 26 SAcLJ Special Issue (Conflict of Laws in Arbitration)

Author(s)/Editor(s)/Contributor(s): The Right Honourable the Lord Collins of Mapesbury, Chan Leng Sun SC and Michael Hwang SC

CPD Points : N/A


Journal Special Issue

Out of Print

This special issue focuses on the following topics:


(a) an international perspective on the choice of law governing the substantive validity of international arbitration agreements;


(b) Swiss and English arbitration laws, the material differences, as well as differences in interpretation;


(c) the law applicable to the issue of arbitrability;


(d) meaning, scope and sources of procedural law and lex arbitri; rights of parties to opt out and create their own procedural framework, limits on that freedom; and the process for determining the seat of arbitration;


(e) extent to which voie indirecte and voie directe converge in practice;


(f) state incapacity and sovereign immunity in international arbitration in, eg, Singapore, the US and the UK, and before international tribunals;


(g) the different approaches adopted by investment treaty tribunals when determining the law applicable to the dispute and the significance of different treaty structures;


(h) Singapore perspective on the interaction and impact of cross-border insolvencies on arbitration proceedings;


(i) the origins of the Henderson rule and its operation in practice where parties have participated in a prior arbitration and then seek to commence fresh proceedings raising matters that could and should have been brought in the earlier arbitration; and


(j) a survey on how Singapore courts have addressed the choice of law issues that arise in the context of setting-aside challenges to an award, challenges to the enforcement of an award, and in determining the applicable law in the arbitration.




Guest Editors:-
Chan Leng Sun SC and Michael Hwang SC
Articles by
1. The Right Honourable the Lord Collins of Mapesbury
2. Gary B Born
3. Pierre A Karrer
4. Bernard Hanotiau
5. Alastair Henderson
6. Doug Jones
7. Tai-Heng Cheng & Ivo Entchev
8. J Christopher Thomas QC & Harpreet Kaur Dhillon
9. Andrew Chan Chee Yin, Jonathan Chan Tuan San, Jo Tay Yu Xi & Alexander Lawrence Yeo Han Tiong
10. David A R Williams QC & Mark Tushingham
11. Paul Tan



1. Introductory Essay
2. The Law Governing International Arbitration Agreements: An International Perspective
3. The Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement – A Civilian Discusses Switzerland’s Arbitration Law and Glances across the Channel
4. The Law Applicable to Arbitrability
5. Lex Arbitri, Procedural Law and the Seat of Arbitration – Unravelling the Laws of the Arbitration Process
6. Choosing the Law or Rules of Law to Govern the Substantive Rights of the Parties – A Discussion of voie directe and voie indirecte
7. State Incapacity and Sovereign Immunity in International Arbitration
8. Applicable Law under International Investment Treaties
9. Cross-Border Insolvency and its Impact on Arbitration
10. The Application of the Henderson v Henderson Rule in International Arbitration
11. Survey of Singapore Arbitration Case Law on Conflict of Laws Issues in International Arbitration

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