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12 Products

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  1. Contract Drafting

    For Members Only

    Date & Time: 14-15 November 2024
    (Day 1,14 November: 9.30am - 5.00pm)
    (Day 2, 15 November: 9.30am - 5.00pm)

    Venue: SAL, Stamford 1 & 2, The Adelphi #08-08, 1 Coleman Street (S179803) 


    This course equips participants with vital contract drafting skills, drafting precise provisions while navigating legal nuances. The course explores template selection, Generative AI, and prompt engineering for efficiency. It hones risk management in commercial contracts and tackles cross-border civil law complexities. Participants will be able to:


    • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the various risks inherent in commercial transactions and contracts, along with strategies to effectively manage and mitigate these risks
    • Gain insight into the comprehensive structure of contract drafting, encompassing both broad frameworks and specific details and learn to navigate complex contractual elements with precision
    • Understand the categories of language e.g. the language of obligation, including the appropriate use of legal words and phrases such as ‘shall’ and ‘may’
    • Examine how the choice of governing law impacts contract drafting, and understand the importance of selecting the appropriate governing law based on jurisdictional context and involved parties


    Contract Drafting
    CS CPD
  2. Mastering the Role as a Junior Advocate: Guidance from the Bench

    Date & Time: 24 September 2024 (4.30pm - 5.45pm)
    Venue: SAL, Stamford 1 & 2, The Adelphi #08-08, 1 Coleman Street S(179803)


    Drawing on 37 years as a barrister and 9 years as a High Court Judge, the Honourable Mr Justice Michael Soole will focus on the task of a young junior in a case team headed by senior practitioner(s). He will discuss how to contribute 'value-added' to the overall teamwork, develop and make the best use of specialist skills and knowledge,  anticipate and prepare for tasks which may arise at short notice, respond to such tasks effectively and speedily, when to speak up and when to keep silent, how to watch, listen and learn - and so in turn to become a senior advocate and practitioner. 


    Justice Soole will be joined by panellists comprising young lawyers practising in varying set-ups, such as a conventional large firm, a boutique litigation practice and a Singapore-style barrister chambers.  This diverse panel will provide a range of perspectives on the experiences of young advocates in today’s legal profession. 


    Member's Price: $70.00 (before GST)
    Associate Student Member's Price: $30.00 (before GST)
    Non-Member’s Price: $90.00 (before GST)

    Mastering the Role as a Junior Advocate: Guidance from the Bench
    Member's Price: SGD 76.30
    Usual Price: SGD 98.10
    CS CPD
  3. Non-member's Conference+Books Bundle - Technical Track on Cross Border Drafting - The Next Frontier of Lawyering: From ESG to GPT+4 ABLI PDF Books

    Date/Time: 3 & 4 Aug 2023

    Day 1: 9.00am - 5.45pm

    Day 2: 10.00am – 12.00pm

    Venue: Basement 1, SMU Hall, SMU Yong Pung How School of Law, 55 Armenian Street (S179943)


    In this age of globalisation, and technological advancement and disruption, the future of the legal profession looks both challenging and exciting, as they present new opportunities for innovation and growth.


    Discover more in our event networking party, hear from our esteemed panellists give their perspectives on The State of the Legal Profession, Technology and the Legal Profession, The Client Perspective and The Art of Law Firm Management in Asia and participate in master classes tailored for lawyers and in-house counsels.



    • $580.00 (before GST) until 19 July 2023
    • $700.00 (before GST) from 20 July 2023 onwards


    CPD Points: 7 (Day 1) + 2 (Day 2)